
Monday 2 July 2012

Hanging out the washing

There is always a basket of clean washing hanging around my house waiting to be put away. So when my girls were hanging around the house refusing to enjoy the sunshine outside I made a washing line inside. I tied two long pieces of string to the backs of a couple of chairs. I brought over the basket of dry, clean washing and the tub of pegs.

It didn't take long until Cakey was busy at work hanging up the washing. She completely filled both lines. Boo was not able to manipulate the pegs very well..... but she was extremely good at pulling the washing off the line and putting it back into the basket.

A simple, fun activity that filled in 15 minutes. Now I just need them to help with the dishes!

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1 comment:

  1. Lovely pot Ali. I was popping over to grab your button, but... how do I do it??? I do not see a way to grab it
