Friday 18 November 2011

Travelling with kids (mini post box)

We are off on our first big trip as a family very soon. I have never flown overseas with children before and I am nervous – 10 hours on a plane with a 3.5 year old (Cakey) and a 16 month old (Boo)... I pity the people doomed to sit near us.

I have been looking around the shops to buy some little toys for Boo that might keep her occupied but everything was either too expensive or too bulky. So I have made her a miniature posting toy because she loves putting things in containers and then taking them out again.

Miniature post box

To make this, I found some colourful postcards and glued them onto cardboard with pva. When they were dry I cut them into little squares. I then found a little box and cut a hole in the lid so she could post them. I let her test it out to see whether this was going to be a successful toy – it was a winner, she played with it for ages. Now I have it hidden in my suitcase hoping it hasn't lost it's novelty value. The beauty about this is that if pieces get lost under the airplane seats it doesn't matter.

I glued postcards onto cardboard and then cut them into squares

I let Boo have a test go to see whether she liked it – she did.

Cakey loves mail too – she is constantly asking if any of our letters are for her... "nope, just bills" always comes the reply. Anyway, I have put together a little mail kit for her too. This is very simple but I think (hope) she will enjoy it. I collected some interesting promotional postcards you find in cafes. I teamed each postcard with a small white card and a mini highlighter pen and sealed them all in an envelope. I plan to hand these out one at a time on the flight.

Cakey's mail kit

These two ideas are obviously not going to cut it for a 10 hour flight so I have also been stockpiling ideas thanks to some fantastic bloggers who have hit the sky and/or road with kids in tow and lived to tell the tale. So if like me, you are planning on getting away over the coming holidays I am sure you will find something your kids will love in one of these posts:
  • Toddler Approved has a whole bundle of ideas for flying – all gathered from experience!! I particularly like the letter hunt game using the inflight magazine and the barf bag puppets.
  • My creative family has outdone herself with ideas for mess-free travel activity bags designed to occupy kids while driving long distance with a child to adult ratio of 2:1.
  • Sun Hats and Wellie Boots has enough ideas to occupy kids for an entire camping trip. I love the individualized activ ity packs – each designed to make something different. Any kid would be enchanted.
  • Let Kids Create has ideas for a long car trip such as taking baking trays to use for magnet boards and creating backseat pipecleaner creations.
  • Hands on: as we grow has a neat 3 year old friendly version of I spy.
  • Kitchen counter chronicles making use of the humble clip board on long car journeys, and the art of the secret toy.
  • Dinosaurs and Octopuses shows you how to make a geoboard – they aren't going to let you take it on a plane but it would be great for a car journey or on a camping trip.
If this is your first visit to At home with Ali – welcome. If you like it, you can follow along via email, RSS, google+ or facebook. You can also find me on Pinterest and InstagramCheers Ali

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  1. Great post Ali! Thanks for featuring my post. Good luck on the trip... I'm sure all will be fine!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Fantastic post! Those are great activities you put together! I also love the roundup of other bloggers blog posts. This is quite a resource!

  4. Thanks Terri, your post is packed full of great ideas. I have my activity packs all ready to go.

  5. Thanks Joyce. When I get a moment I am going to add your post about the geoboard – great for a car trip.

  6. Thanks for sharing our post. I love your ideas and the other blogger suggestions too! Just shared this over on our Facebook page.

  7. great idea, you can also do the activity in reverse, so everything is in the box and then Boo or Cakey can pull out pieces one at a time and remake the postcard - like a jigsaw puzzle.

  8. Hope the flight goes well. Love the little post box- perfect for an early toddler like Boo!

  9. What a great idea - we have a fellow poster and something like this would work in a car journey as well.

    Thank you for linking up to Made with Love

  10. Thank you so much for linking up to 'Made with Love'. It's such a beuatiful and low cost idea for long pleasure!!
    Love from Angelique

  11. Thank you thank you! What a great list of ideas and I love the little mailbox idea. I'm on the hunt for a tiny box now! Pinning this so I can access it!
