Monday 18 June 2012

Caterpillar in a cocoon

This craft started out as a simple threading activity. I cut out two ovals from card and punched holes around the edges with a holepunch. I gave the girls some pipecleaners to thread through the holes.

Rather than thread the pipecleaners around the edges (as I had imagined) Cakey folded it over and fastened it with pipecleaners and sticky tape. We all agreed it looked like a cocoon.

Cakey folded the oval in half and threaded pipecleaners through the holes to secure it
Boo poked individual pipecleaners through individual holes
A cocoon decorated with gift wrapping string
Cakey decorated it with gift wrapping string and made a pipecleaner handle. She also helped Boo make a cocoon too. We were just missing the caterpillars!

Threading pom poms with a needle and thread

I threaded some cotton for Cakey. I always double over the cotton and knot it at the end otherwise the thread comes off the needle every time Cakey pulls it through. Frustrating for her and frustrating for me! I tied a button to the end of the thread to stop the poms poms falling off.

Cakey's caterpillar out for some fresh air

When Cakey's caterpillar was long enough I threaded a button (for a mouth) on the end and tied it off for her. I left a loose piece of cotton so that she could pull the caterpillar around behind her. I made a caterpillar for Boo and stuck some googly eyes on for her too.

And then we hung the cocoons in the garden.

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Linked to It's Playtime and tip-toe thru tuesday


  1. That's so cute & I love the way you are enCouraging your girls to use their imaginations! I'm inspired! My little miss two would love a caterpillar! Xx

    1. Thank you, the caterpillars are still played with.

    2. Wonderfully creative. My two year old is into caterpillars and butterflies so we could do something like this together.
      Thanks for the ideas and inspiration.

  2. What a great craft - and toy! I pinned your post to my Caterpillar-Butterfly Unit Study Pinterest board:

  3. that threading is a great small motor practice! these turned out so cute, too! thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!

  4. Hi Ali.....I loved this activity so much that I have shared a link to it from my blog today :)
    Those caterpillars are just too cute! :)

  5. This is a wonderful idea! My daughter was just asking my to buy a felt sewing kit from the store the other day! Duh, I never thought to use a hole punch to make our own!


    Thanks for sharing at tip toe thru tuesday! Please stop by and enter my giveaway for a $99 Ramsign!

  6. This is so sweet. I love the little pom pom caterpillars!

  7. What a cute idea. We are still raising caterpillars over here and I think my kids would really enjoy making these.


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