Monday 12 August 2013

Tissue paper lollies

Make tissue paper sweets and pretend play candy shop | At home with Ali

Just as I was finishing this post Chris piped up "do you realise that only Australians will know what 'lollies' are, don't you?". Ummm maybe???? Ok so, lollies = sweets = candy. Problem solved!

This is one of those super simple crafts.... and it involves no paint or glue or glitter!!! All you need is a square of tissue paper and a tissue – roll it up and twist the ends. Cakey tells you everything you need to know in the video below. Please have a look, Cakey is very excited that her tutorial will be watched and she is hoping that someone in this world will like to make a paper lolly too.

As you can see from the tutorial it doesn't take long to make a tissue paper lolly. My kids made many, they also enjoyed making tiny little lollies. We experimented with different shapes – discovering that a crumpled tissue makes a lovely round paper lolly and a folded tissue makes a more rectangular lolly.

Make tissue paper sweets and pretend play candy shop | At home with Ali

Make tissue paper sweets and pretend play candy shop | At home with Ali

My little one, Boo, turned this craft into a pretend play lolly shop. We set up a little lolly shop with bowls of tissue paper lollies and a toy cash reigster.

Make tissue paper sweets and pretend play candy shop | At home with Ali

Together we added some playdough lollies (sweets/candy). To make these, we rolled out a piece of blue playdough and a piece of pink playdough. We placed the pink playdough on top of the blue and then rolled the two together. I then sliced the roll to make swirly lollies which we popped into a jar for selling in our shop.

Make swirly playdough sweets | At home with Ali

Make swirly playdough sweets | At home with Ali

If this is your first visit to At home with Ali – welcome. If you like it, you can follow along via email, RSS, google+ or facebook. You can also find me on Pinterest and InstagramCheers Ali

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  1. Hi Cakey,

    Thank you for showing me how to make lollies (sweets in England). I will be able to show my granddaughter how to make them using your video. This will be good when she wants to play shops.

    Can you help with making anything else?

    Thank you

  2. Oh she did a such great job with the tutorial! What a lovely idea. :)

  3. These look great! Yes I'm absolutely sure my daughters will want to make these, especially if I show them the video :-)

  4. Ooh my kids LOVE to play shops... they will love the idea of a lolly shop! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. wow why didn't I think of this. Dimples loves any form of pretend shop! will definitely do this with him, hell enjoy it so much
    thanks for sharing
    Nae @ AdventuresathomewithMum

  6. Gorgeous! My kids would also LOVE the idea of a pretend play lolly shop. Tell Cakey she did a fabulous job in the video. I'll know to be careful so that I don't rip them. :)

  7. Too cute! And those swirly lollies look ah-ma-zing!

  8. Cakey thanks for the awesome tutorial! My son is 5, and we often make ice-cream from tissue paper. I'm going to show him your tutorial tomorrow and he is going to LOVE this idea! I shared this on my FB wall as well. :)

  9. really cute. a great decoration for a tabletop too. Would love if you shared on our #kidsinthekitchen linky this week

  10. These are so cute and very easy to make! Love them and have pinned this many times.

  11. Love the idea to turn this lovely craft into a pretend play opportunity. Thank you for sharing this with us, Cakey :)

  12. How sweet and what gorgeous photos!!! Looks like a ton of fun :-)


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