Tuesday 10 September 2013

Lavender playdough

Lavender playdough recipe

Ah playdough how I love you, we have been experimenting with a few variations to our usual super simple playdough recipe. We have tried peppermint, lemon and chocolate but my favourite so far is lavender. We collected some lavender from my aunt's garden and dried it in the sun. Boo had great fun crumbling it into the dough mix.

Lavender Playdough Recipe

  • 2 cups of plain flour
  • Half cup of salt
  • 2 tablespoons of cream of tartar
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Dried lavender
  • 5 drops of lavender oil
  • 1 and a third cups of boiling water mixed with purple food colouring (or a mix of pink and blue food colouring)

Basically throw it all in a bowl and mix it together, then knead it with a little extra flour until it is beautiful and smooth.

Lavender playdough recipe

Boo played with our lavender playdough along with a bowl of buttons and some bottle tops. She turned them into some lovely little lavender cakes.

Lavender playdough recipe

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  1. Ooo lavender! Love the stuff. So soothing. Pity we don't have any lavender plants around :(. Must look out for it at the florist or at the local gardening shop. Buttons are a great idea. Will add that to our playdough caddy for Miss K. Thanks for the inspiration as always awesome lady!

    xo P

    1. Hey Pauline, lovely to hear from you..... and I agree lavender is very soothing. ;)

  2. Thanks for this Play dough Recipe! My kids would love this! Simple to make as well.

  3. Does the water have to be boiling? I would love to make this with my students but don't have access to boiling water at school.


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