Sunday 13 November 2011

Peg babies put to bed

We were really scratching our heads today for something to do. All the games I suggested got shot down in flames. Just before despair hit, Cakey found two dome-shaped lids that had come off takeaway milkshake cups. I was keeping them because I thought they would make good robot eyes. Instead we turned them into little cots – filling them with scraps of coloured material to make them comfy.

Cakey stuck little round faces on a couple of pegs and then wrapped them in material – making very cute peg babies. She gave one a crying face and one a smiling face.

Cakey put her little peg babies to bed covering each of them with a little blanket and that was that!

Linked to Thrifty Thursday


  1. That's so cute! What a great idea.

  2. Fun fun! I love when my kids see our recyclable stuff and get ideas. I can sometimes literally see the wheels turning in their heads. Thanks for sharing with Monday Madness.

  3. This is so cute - love the little imagination at work. Thanks for sharing on Monday Madness.


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